Smile Again Project

Delivering smiles to the disaster-affected areas!

Help out by donating to Recreational Volunteer Support Fund!

We are collecting donations in order to support Team Recrew's activities. The money will be used for the recreational volunteer programs.The bank transfer fee is free.
- Bank transfer details (Dedicated account for.)
Account name: National Recreation Association of JAPAN
[Mizuho bank(Code:0001), Toranomon branch(Code:046), a checking account No.2746628]
- We do not accept donations of goods.
- Contact details:
National Recreation Association of Japan, Department of General Affairs

Uplifting the atmosphere of evacuation centers!
Team Recrew
Training new volunteers now!

Naoki Ishihara, Eriko Takeda and Alice Fukuda (wearing the red jerseys) from Tohoku Fukushi University
take part in volunteer work as part of the training program organized by Miyagi recreation association

Support through leisure and social activities

 On April 28, volunteer staff from Miyagi recreation association head for the town of Onagawa, which was devastated by the recent Tsunami. The cars washed up on top of buildings, the train carriages and ships washed deep in to the town center showed just how big and destructive it waswerful the waves were.

Their first stop is the Onagawa Municipal Gymnasium where approximately 800 people are taking refuge. From 10am onwards, volunteers spring into action from the entrance of the gymnasium. The program offered by the volunteers is neither training nor a class with regular participants, so they go round the living space asking the evacuee if they want to join.

Two elderly were the first to join. First, they did warm up stretches and massage accompanied by music. When they began warming up with games of paper-scissors-rock, several more elderly and children joined in. Together, they played games with various games using scarves, performed exercises and sang songs. As laughter grew and more people joined in, spectators began watching over with smiles and the atmosphere became very uplifting.

On this day, students of recreation studies from Sendai University also took part in the program. Taking over from the local recreation association staff, the students conducted fitness exercises for the evacuees. Mr. Hidekazu Hiratsuka, the president of Onagawa board of education said "The government must focus on matters like reconstruction and restoration of lives, so it's important for volunteer organization to support physical and emotional wellbeing of the people".

In the afternoon, the volunteers headed for Onagawa Second Elementary School. The students of Onagawa Fourth Elementary School from Izushima Island were here. There are only six children in the entire school and they spent the lunch break together with the teachers playing paper-scissors-rock and card games. Principal Ryu Mishina, says "More than 90% the people on Izushima lost their homes and the life in evacuation centers are very dull. That's why I want to create opportunities like this.

Children, teachers, and volunteers play together
at Onagawa Fourth Elementary School

A car washed up on the roof of a building tells the sheer scale of the Tsunami.

We can operate from any available space at evacuation centers.

New programs underway in Miyako city, Noda village and Date city

 In order to provide continuously support through recreation volunteer programs in disaster zone, the local recreation association has begun training new volunteers as of June 11. Volunteers will be taught safety management, affairs regarding disaster support activity, the role of volunteers, recreation activities for evacuation centers and take part in communication workshop. After that, the trainees will undergo a three-day practical training then become a full-fledged volunteer staff.

On June 25, a workshop on psychological care for children was held in Iwate Prefecture. It was organized by Tono city recreation association to train staffs who work with disaster zone children on weekends. Elsewhere in Iwate prefecture, Miyako city recreation association has began weekend visits to evacuation centers and Hachinohe city recreation association from Aomori prefecture is planning to support the people of Noda village.

Meanwhile, Fukushima recreation association has been promoting the activities of recreation volunteers through the homepage of prefectural council of social welfare in attempt to gain more awareness and support.

Furthermore, Date city recreation association has decided that the annual event of "Yanagawa castle of fun junior club" would be hosted for the children of evacuation centers as of June. With plans to cover more evacuation centers, they are currently trying inviting the children of Minami-Soma city by bus.

Recreation program at Miyako Omoe Elementary School. Children try to keep their balance as they play tug of war.

Cooling down at the end of a program with stretches and singing.

Recreation minded support for the volunteers in Rikuzentakata, Iwate.

Ms. Sekiko Tsujioka and Ms. Chiemi Yamazaki
of Fukui Recreation Association

 From May 31 to June 2, the two ladies participated in a volunteer program organized by the Fukui disaster volunteer Center liaison committee for the city of Rikuzentakata.

They took part in general volunteer work and helped out with the soup kitchen. In addition, they cared for the wellbeing of other volunteers from Fukui Prefecture with recreational ideas.

For example, they used the half of the salad tomatoes for the curry and pickled leftover cucumbers with chili and kelp. Their recreational cooking proved to be very popular with the volunteers who've been at work all day. The delicious meals really help raise spirits of volunteers. They also did stretching before and after work and gave massage to volunteers who were very tired.

In order to help the people of disaster zone, the volunteers themselves needs to be high spirited and strong. Through the "power of recreation", you can rejuvenate and recharge people so they can keep doing the good work. It's a good example of how something little can help raise motivation.

It does require much effort. All you need is just a little bit of free time and anybody can do it. That's the beauty of recreation.